- Young Writers Project
- General Climate information by region
- Detailed Climate Information by regio
- You have 15 minutes to explore the climate of the US and start to make decisions about where you would like your territory to go. Please think about physical and cultural geographical features, as well as natural resources
that would benefit your society. Part of the presentation you will be creating will be to also explain why your geographical location is beneficial to your utopian society. - Go over Calendar for the project
- Territory Location Negotiations
- Start to brainstorm within your group what societal "blemishes" you will ERADICATE in your CHARTER for your society.
Humanities Extension:
Please take some time to do a creative writing piece. Every week we will be writing from the Young Writers Project list of prompts. Please let me know if you would be interested in submitting your writing or participating in their writing community.
- Learn. Tell a story about a time when you had to learn something you didn't know how to do, such as using new software, taking a photo, riding a bike. How did you learn it? Who helped? How did they help?; or Inanimate. Think about an inanimate object that has been thrown away. Write a story or poem following its journey after it is considered trash.
- Read 30 Minutes
- 7th grade complete vocabulary list
- Ms. Kelly's TA bring in a summer photo