We are going to start off today watching the CNN student news covering the Inauguration today. Before we begin please write a blog post about your HOPES for the new president. You also can write this in the form of a letter with advice for the new president. It can also be about your hopes for the United States at this time. Please be mindful, thoughtful and respectful. Remember to be a thinker, questioner and doer.
8:00-8:45 Extended TA
8:45-9:40 EXPOs/ Meeting
9:40-10:00 Town Meeting in Ms. Bronner's Room
10:00-10:40 STAR make-ups/ GID
10:40-11:00 Recess
11:00-11:45 Core 1
11:45-12:25 Core 2
12:25-12:50 Lunch
12:50-1:15 Team Read
1:15 - 2:05 Core 3
2:05-2:45 Opportunity TimeGoal of the week:
I can describe how the government decision to go to war impacted individuals (locally, nationally, internationally) through a topic of personal interest.
I demonstrate clear and purposeful communication of my learning through a medium of my choice.
- CNN Student News
- Project work time - refocus on the learning target