1. From our learning about the Great Depression and the New Deal what has surprised you the most? Why?
2. What is the New Deal? What was the intent of the New Deal?
7th Grade
- Finish your observations
- Next, we are going to dig a little deeper - What are these pictures of?
- Pick one of the photos that you looked at and you are going to present what they photo is actually of to the class.
- You may want to make a few slides
- What does this tell you about people's experience during this timeframe?
- Look at the project outline to refocus our work
- Learning Scale - any feedback? Anything we should change?
- Continue to do research about the projects that were completed then pick five and rank them 1 - the most 5 - the least you would want to do for your project. Start with this link.
Humanities Extension:
Independent Reading
Make sure all assignments, revisions, and redos are in schoology. Read 30 minutes.