Sunday, October 23, 2016

Good Morning Inquizitive Irish Wolfhounds

7th Grade: Please take out your venn diagram. You have 10 minutes to work on this and ask

8th Grade: Please kick back and read for the first 10 minutes of class while I collect your copy of The Giver 

  • QOD 
  • ODWP Prep - please write the following on paper:
    • 7th Grade - Please write the story of your best day of summer vacation. Please use enough detail and a narrative about this best day. Think about including dialogue, sensory details and a hook in your writing. 
    • 8th Grade - Please write the procedure for how to brush and floss your teeth. Please remember to include: an introduction, materials, detailed steps for your reader to follow and a conclusion. 

Humanities Extension:
Mercier: Library
Bronner: Read Newsela Article  and then respond to the prompt in your schoology election folder
Kelly: Read Newsela Article  and then respond to the prompt in your schoology election folder

7/8: Read 20 minutes and finish your writing piece from class today
7th grade - Venn Diagram due Friday.