7th Grade
- Think about the last time that you were in an argument that you won. What happened? How do you know that you"won"? What did you do to "win" the argument (be specific)?
- In writing how do you persuade your reader? What are the specific parts of a persuasive essay?
- Essay sort and matching
- Using the graphic organizer please come up with your stance
8th Grade
- What is a stock?
- What is the stock market anyway?
- When are we going to be using Wall Street Survivor?
- Humanities Extension
- We are constructing an understanding of the stock market to understand one of the causes of the Great Depression
- Personal Narrative
- Life Graph
Humanities Extension:
7 - continue to work on the persuasive writing graphic organizer
8 - Wall Street Survivor
7 - Have your stance and start to brainstorm your examples
8 - Answer your questions about your life graph. Come in ready to work on plotting the points on your graph.